Magento Sort by Newest Products Solution

Magento Sort by Newest Products Solution
For the default sorting functionality in magento product display it doesn't show the newest product first in listing. But the true thing is people(webmaster/business owner) always want to show their newest product first in listing. If we are using Magento 1.7.2 or above it will support position in category of product but it doesn't help since we have to set position all of time. That 's why we show you this article to solve magento sort by newest products 

Top 3 Best Magento Hosting Award Winning 2014

Top 3 Best Magento Hosting Award Winning 2014
Thanks Magento2X 's customers who joined and provided the review information for our survey about magento hosting. Our Top 3 Best Magento Hosting Award Winning 2014 base on 357 emails what sent out to our customers and we got 187 reviews. It is not too many but good enough to vote for people to choose the right magento hosting what make the most our customers happy. (more…)