Magento is a perfect ecommerce platform solution for big shop online site, so that it must handle a site what have a lot of products. Let ‘s say we have 2000 products in a magento site and now we want to re-index magento to make it work faster when it access database.
The re-index function is already implemented in magento admin back end, so we don’t have to do any more step to get it done.
Login to back end and browse to menu System => Index Management and you will see this
But the problem is your shop is too heavy, it can’t re-index everything just in one click or it have no enough time and execution resource to do any reindex action. So that ‘s why we have to use Command line. Luckily it ‘s quite easy.
First move to [MAGENTO_ROOT]/shell/ (This is the location where indexer.php is present.)
To check the status of all Indexes
php indexer.php --status
To Reindex all indexes
php indexer.php --reindexall
To Reindex particular index
php indexer.php --[Index Option Code] Index Option Code Index Option Name catalog_product_attribute Product Attributes catalog_product_price Product Prices catalog_url Catalog Url Rewrites catalog_product_flat Product Flat Data catalog_category_flat Category Flat Data catalog_category_product Category Products catalogsearch_fulltext Catalog Search Index cataloginventory_stock Stock status
you might want to delete var/locks/* folder afterwards as web server user might not be able to run reindex(permission issue)
That ‘s right! Thanks Konstantin