Last time when I install magento and run it normally until a day I see the error: "The connection was reset". It show the blank page like this
If you meet this problem then let 's do these steps to fix
Restart your web server
Clear all cache inĀ /var/cache
Make sure you delete folder /var/cache/session
Now clear browser cache and cookie and then load magento again.
I did these steps and it work fine. Hope it save your time!...
Increase Magento Performance is easier a lot from now with A2 SSD Hosting package for Magento. Magento2X team recently review and test magento hosting package provide by A2 include SSD support. The result is very impression since it 's really help to increase magento performance a lot. (more…)
Optimize Magento Database is one of a very important task of developer who maintain magento site. Let 's play around with the number relate to database size and performance because we need to know why we do cleaning magento database to get the best performance before we do it. (more…)
We try to give you a full instruction to optimize magento performance here even though it is a complex technique. We are sure here when you do these steps you can make your site faster more than 50%, maybe more belong to many factors of your server and your current source code. (more…)...