In this post, I will show how to display one product in magento store inside a CMS page with CMS block widget. (more…)...
Recently we got project about magento what require to lock all of guest access. The site only accept user logged and all of pages in magento is private for users only. That mean we have to the member only magento site. (more…)...
First of all, the print function is required for all of ecommerce platform and magento already supported it. But Magento only support print invoice or shipment, what we need to do is printing a order. In many situations our customer will need to know the detail of order before they pay. (more…)...
In the first step working with magento, many people will need to disable magento extension instead of uninstalling them. Just like you, I don't want to uninstall it because I may need it later, I want to disable it for a moment only. In this post I will show a very simple way to disable magento extension. (more…)...